Whooping Cough Day on November 8 shines a spotlight on the threat posed by whooping cough and the simple ways people can remain protected throughout life.
Supported by the theme of “Stay Up-To-Date. Vaccinate” Whooping Cough Day encourages Australians to check if they are up-to-date with whooping cough vaccination by:
Highlighting the importance of adult, pregnancy and childhood protection.
Providing practical information about boosters and how to access them.
Why Whooping Cough?
With Australia now in the grip of a whooping cough epidemic, this infectious disease is a major public health threat.
While vaccination during pregnancy has helped reduce infant deaths, whooping cough can also cause serious illness in older children and adults.
With booster shots required throughout life, our hope is that Australians will take action to remain up-to-date with whooping cough vaccination.
We all have a role to play in controlling the spread of whooping cough and reducing the risk of infection, no matter our age.