Make a Donation
The World Health Organisation estimates that a child dies every 20 seconds from a disease that could have been prevented by a vaccine.
With your help, we are determined to change that.
Your donations currently help us:
Run effective pro-vaccination campaigns, bringing attention to the powerful and heartbreaking stories about vaccine-preventable diseases, shared by our community members
Coordinate education stands and pop-up immunisation clinics at parenting expos
Develop targeted projects to build vaccine confidence in populations with sub-optimal vaccine uptake rates
Strengthen our support for immunisation research, allowing us to assist with research planning, recruitment and dissemination of findings
Engage in advocacy and activities that improve access to vaccination for Australian adults
Build Australia's biggest network of immunisation champions
Share immunisation advocacy strategies and personal stories about vaccine-preventable diseases in presentations at conferences, universities and schools
Develop and distribute our immunisation resources to childcare centres, schools, immunisation clinics, hospitals and medical centres
Provide consumer representation on a range of immunisation and infectious disease research projects
Refer community members who are concerned about vaccines to evidence-based resources, support & services.
The Immunisation Foundation of Australia is funded by gifts from generous donors. These gifts are vital to enable our ongoing efforts to provide education and vaccinations to areas of need. This support also funds our research and outreach programs.
Thank you for your support to help prevent the spread of vaccine preventable disease.
The Immunisation Foundation of Australia is a registered Health Promotion Charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission.
Donations over $2 are tax deductible. An invoice for your tax deductable payment will be provided via email.