RSV Awareness Week

This RSV Awareness Week, 1- 7 June 2025, the Immunisation Foundation of Australia invites individuals, families, healthcare professionals, and organisations across the country to unite in raising awareness about RSV and its impact, as well as champion RSV protection for infants and older adults.


Campaign assets

If you would like to get involved in promoting RSV protection, feel free to download and use any of the materials from the list below. These assets include:


RSV Protection Posters

These posters can be used to promote RSV protection featuring perspectives from:

- A healthcare professional

- An older adult

- Parents

- A pregnant mother

RSV Protection for Infants – Your Questions Answered

These videos produced in conjunction with The Kids Research Institute and the STAMP Research Project help answer frequently asked questions about RSV protection and the new National RSV Mother and Infant Protection Program. 

RSV Fact Sheets

Detailed information on:

- RSV in infants and children

- RSV in older adults

- RSV antibody therapy for infants

- RSV vaccination for older Australians

- RSV vaccination during pregnancy

RSV Protection for Infants – Flyer

Important information on RSV in infants and the immunisation options now available.

Signs and Symptoms of Severe RSV Infographics

Be on the lookout for the signs of severe RSV in infants and older adults with these infographics.

Signs and Symptoms of Severe RSV in Infants Video

This video presented by Karl Stefanovic provides information on the signs and symptoms of severe RSV in infants and children.

Key Facts: RSV Protection in Infants

- RSV is serious

- RSV is a seasonal virus

- There are now two ways to protect babies against severe RSV

- Infant RSV immunisations provide excellent protection 

- RSV protection options are safe and backed by decades of research

Video: What is RSV?
This video provides a simple overview of RSV, who it affects, and how to prevent this common and unpredictable virus.

Podcast Episode: RSV with Dr Nusrat Homaira

An easily digestible, bite-sized podcast episode on all things RSV.


Print-ready and editable assets are available upon request. Please email us at for more information.