Newborn babies are vulnerable to infectious diseases

Newborn babies are vulnerable to infectious diseases, because their immune systems are not yet fully developed.

Whooping cough in newborn babies is extremely dangerous. It can cause severe coughing fits that make it difficult for the baby to breathe. Whooping cough can also lead to pneumonia, seizures, and brain damage. Newborn babies are too young to be vaccinated against whooping cough, so they rely on their mother's antibodies for protection until old enough  for their own vaccines.

Influenza in newborn babies can be very serious, even life-threatening. It can cause difficulty breathing, pneumonia, and dehydration. Newborn babies are especially vulnerable to influenza because they have not yet had a chance to develop antibodies against the virus, unless their mother was vaccinated in pregnancy.

COVID in newborn babies can also be serious, although it is generally less so than influenza. However, COVID-19 can still cause breathing problems, pneumonia, and other serious complications in newborn babies. Newborn babies are at increased risk of COVID-19 if their mother is infected with the virus during pregnancy or childbirth.

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